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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Duet – Joint adventure of SAP and Microsoft

Its very cool to heard about Duet – joint adventure of SAP and Microsoft in enterprise market.

Seen couple of videos to have a look in DUET and found very good exploration of DUET in enterprise customer to have a relax breath to expose data into their user friendly Microsoft Office Client and great product of Microsoft – sharePoint 2010.

This is just few words about DUET that i wanted to share and it will generate new opportunity for SharePOint guys and SAP guys in market.


SharePoint 2010 – Microsoft Access Service

So enters Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 Access Services, for me this changes the sports game. For those who don’t know this technology, you can create an Access database locally on your PC then publish it to SharePoint.

Tables become SharePoint lists,
macros become workflows and
forms well become forms.

Access becomes a RAD tool to create data driven SharePoint sites

Limitation: There is one major difference between a standard SharePoint site and one created by Access, and it is that SharePoint Designer cannot open the Access site